121069, Moscow, Bolshaya Molchanovka, 21, office 14
17 july 2024 - 25 february 2025
The customer of the competition is the Foundation for the Development of the Izhevsk City supported by the Government of the Udmurtian Republic and the Izhevsk City Administration.
The Operator: the CENTER Lab International Urban Laboratory.
Photo: Foundation for the Development of the Izhevsk City
Goal of the Competition
To select the best concept for redevelopment of the cultural heritage site “The Main Building of the Arms Factory” with a change of its functional purpose.
Objectives of the Competition
Professional organizations in the field of architecture, design, content and functional programming of public buildings (new construction, reconstruction, restoration, redevelopment) experienced in handling objects of cultural heritage.
The Jury includes the customer’s representatives and experts in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, design of public spaces, socio-cultural programming and cultural heritage.
Prize Fund
The total prize fund of the Competition is 12,500,000 rubles.
Each Finalist (1, 2, 3 places) receives 1,000,000 rubles.
The winner receives 9,500,000 rubles for finalizing the Competition proposal.
Photo: Foundation for the Development of the Izhevsk City
August 22 The jury of the Open Nationwide Competition for the Design of the Redevelopment Concept for the Main Building of the Izhevsk Arms Factory selected three finalists. They are:
1. The Consortium of “AB “KHVOYA” OOO, HORA architectural bureau, IP Balykina Sofia Sergeevna (individual entrepreneur), “Urban Context” OOO, “NIIPI SPETSRESTAVRATSIYA” OOO
2. Individual participant: “Architectural bureau “Studio 44”” OOO.
3. Individual participant: “Dal’” OOO.
On September 18-19, the orientation seminar for finalists was held in Izhevsk. Within the frameworks of the seminar meetings were held with the representatives of the customer, executive authorities, public figures of the capital of the Udmurt Republic. This set of measures provided the participants with most complete information about the facility they are working with.
Photo: Igor Tyulkin
Preparation of competition proposals by the finalists will be completed on November 19, and on December 11 in Izhevsk, following in-person defending of the projects, the jury will choose the winner of the competition.
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