Assessing the development potential of Norilsk - ЦЕНТР Lab

International Urban Laboratory

International Urban Laboratory

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Assessing the development potential of Norilsk

13 July — 21 October, 2021


On October 20, presentation of the “Assessment of the Development Potential of Norilsk” study took place at the Polar State University. It was prepared by the experts of the CENTER Group of Companies as part of the open international competition to develop an architectural and planning concept for renovation of Norilsk to 2035. The competition was initiated by the municipality and Norilsk Development Agency (NDA), with support by Norilsk Nickel.

The presentation of the study was attended by representatives of Norilsk administration and its structural subdivisions, scientists, representatives of the expert community, business structures, the public and ARN.

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Maksim Mironov

Director of the Norilsk Development Agency

A large analytical report dedicated to the development potential of our city was prepared in order provide as much information as possible about Norilsk to the finalists of the international competition we selected at the jury session on October 19. This study will be reference material for them when working out concepts for renovation of the city.

The study provides an insight into existing issues in the urban environment and proposes future directions for the development of Norilsk, taking into account the existing potential.

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Olga Gritsan

Head of the Analytical Department of the Agency for strategic development “CENTER”

Norilsk as a product of forced industrialization is facing problems of aging material assets, archaic formats of residential development, and public spaces lagging far behind the global trends. A decreasing level of quality of the living environment is one of the main reasons for the unattractive image of the city for long term residence, despite high average wages and a steadily low level of unemployment.

The study formulated four strategic directions for future development:

  • Improving the quality of the urban environment (diversifying housing formats and public spaces, modernization of transport and engineering infrastructure);
  • Forming an auspicious environment (improving the environment by implementing the Sulfur project and other environmental initiatives);
  • Development of human capital (creating conditions and incentives for development and monetization of the creative potential of Norilsk residents and the unique skills of the indigenous minorities of Taimyr);
  • Development of the non-productive sector of the economy (stimulation of entrepreneurial activity, monetization of symbolic and natural potential, enhancement of the territory’s image).
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Maria Sedletskaya

Head of International Urban Laboratory CENTER Lab

Development of the architectural and planning concept for renovation of Norilsk should take into account Norilsk Nickel’s long-term prospects and the city’s potential for developing a knowledge-based economy. We also need to pay attention to youth initiatives, promoting branded businesses, and increasing the diversity of the urban environment.





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