Conceptual Master Plan of Tynda, Amur Region - ЦЕНТР Lab

International Urban Laboratory

International Urban Laboratory

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Conceptual Master Plan of Tynda, Amur Region

April — September, 2022

Amurskaya Oblast

Tynda belongs to the West Amur subzone, which is formed on the Bamovskaya-Tynda railway link, and is a strategically important transport hub, providing railway and logistics links of interregional and international importance. The current role of the city of Tynda is intertwined with the development of the Tynda municipal district.

Key factors of the development of the Conceptual Master Plan for the city of Tyndy in Amur region:

  • Monopolistic city focused on the railway industry;
  • The status of the capital of the BAM;
  • The transport and logistics center at the intersection of the Baykal Amur (BAM) and Amur-Yakuta (AYM) highways;
  • The youngest and northernmost city in the Amur Region.
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<strong>Vasily Orlov</strong>

<strong>Governor of Amur region</strong>

Residents need to know exactly how their city will develop in the coming years. Where and what kind of manufacturing will be built, where will a neighborhood or a shopping center be built. Then people will be able to choose which business is more profitable to start, which profession to recommend to their children, where to buy housing to be closer to where they work or study. Including a master plan.

Gasification can become the main driver of economic development, and cultural life in the city will be enriched by attracting creative and scientific potential: theatrical productions, visual arts, mass events, expanded educational sphere, improved transport logistics and updated tourist routes. It is also planned to stabilize the outflow of the population through the renovation of the housing stock and the construction of cultural, educational and domestic service facilities with a total cost of about 2.7 billion rubles.

The Conceptual master plan will be part of the Strategic Master Plan for the city. The main objective of the analytical work is to improve the living conditions of citizens, implement new investment projects and develop the urban environment.

The International Urban Laboratory CENTER Lab occupies a leading position in the Consortium for the development of the master plan of the Amur city. The consortium also includes the ITP “Grad”, Design Bureau “Polis” and Synopsis Group.

Stages of master plan development:

Stage 1

  • Diagnosing the current state of the city;
  • Running a campaign to collect suggestions and ideas from residents on city development;
  • Develop a vision for the future development of the city.

Stage 2

  • Development of a Conceptual Master Plan (Framework Concept) for the city.

Stage 3

  • Preparation of the Strategic Master Plan of the city;
  • Developing recommendations for changes to existing strategic and spatial development documents.

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