International Urban Laboratory

International Urban Laboratory

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Public spaces of northern cities. Peculiarities of development

December 26, 2023

The e-journal “Arctic 2035: Current Issues, Problems, Solutions” has published a detailed article by our team of experts devoted to the northern regions. The article analyzes the public spaces of Arctic cities formed in discomforting conditions, including the influence of climatic, urban planning, socio-cultural, demographic and other factors on the specifics of public spaces. The study pays special attention to the existing adaptive solutions and a variety of opportunities for organizing various types of activities and social activity, including the winter calendar of events.

Leading experts in the field of urbanism are constantly following the Far North and the Arctic regions, where the hidden potential for development, including public spaces, is concentrated. At the same time, realizing this potential requires a special approach, as many standard approaches and methods used in comfortable latitudes are not applicable in harsh climatic conditions.

This area is constantly reflected in the research and consulting work of experts of the Agency for Strategic Development “CENTER” and the International Urban Laboratory “CENTER Lab”.

You can read the article at the link.

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