The CENTER Lab team Discussed Development of Khakassia Tourism Master Plan in Cooperation with the Republic Government - ЦЕНТР Lab

International Urban Laboratory

International Urban Laboratory

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September 12, 2024

The CENTER Lab team Discussed Development of Khakassia Tourism Master Plan in Cooperation with the Republic Government

Фото: Игорь Макаров

Photo: Igor Makarov

On September 12, CENTER Lab International Urban Laboratory team visited the Republic of Khakassia with an orientation visit. Potential effects of the future tourist master plan were considered at the meeting attended by the representatives of the dedicated committees and relevant agencies of the Khakassia Government.

The experts came to the conclusion that Khakassia has all relevant resources to become the leader of all-year domestic tourism in Russia. Primary tasks to be resolved with the help of the mater plan were described in the flow of discussion.

“Tourism master plan is an instrument which considers several regions as a single space to develop tourism industry. Its main purpose is to elaborate a concept plan of tourism development in Khakassia to accelerate the industry growth by 2030 onwards,” noted Maria Sedletskaya, head of the Analytical Department at the CENTER Lab International Urban Laboratory.

The meeting of the working group was held on the same day, consisting of the representatives of the regional government, municipal administrations and the experts of major companies and organizations, PJSC “Rosseti Siberia” and SUEK AO. Key attention was paid to the presentation on the Altaysky District tourist potential delivered by Irina Voynova, Head of the Altaysky District.

Maria Sedletskaya also highlighted the importance of accurate identification of tourism clusters and priority investment projects for effective development of the region.

CENTER Lab experts accentuated significant social and economic benefits of the master plan implementation. The working group participants are confident the instrument will be a key driver of the region development for the benefit of all parties.

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