International Urban Laboratory

International Urban Laboratory

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January 18, 2023

The first stage of Development of a Master Plan for Altay Village Teletskoe Eco-Resort is completed

The team of the International Urban Laboratory CENTER Lab completed the first stage of Development of a Master Plan for Altay Village Teletskoe Eco-Resort.

In the context of the strategic goals of the region, the implementation of the investment project of the Altay Village Teletskoe eco-resort contributes to creating a recognizable image of the Altai Republic not only in Russia, but also at the international level, ensures the development of tourism as a specialization branch of the region with high added value.

© Altay Village Teletskoe

The first stage identified the region’s image attractiveness, which is characterised by the worldwide popularity of competitive resources and a unique palette of experiences. Significant attractions include: Lake Teletskoye, The Altaiskiy State Nature Reserve and many others.

During the work, a lot of attention was paid to the role of tourism in the model of noosphere development of the Republic of Altai, investment projects in the tourism in the Teletskoe territory.

The team identified the preconditions and development scenario of the eco-resort.

The development of the Altay Village Teletskoe eco-resort in the context of the surrounding territories and attractors of the mountain climate cluster will emphasize both the image of the Tourochak district and the favorable regional investment climate. It will improve the quality of tourism infrastructure according to the image of the future Altai Republic by 2035.

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